Friendly Advice

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Many Bong Hits Does it Take for YOU to Think You are Georgia O'Keefe?

I came across this gem on Craigslist way back in 2005. Needless to say, the moment I saw it, I immediately bookmarked it, and now I present it to you. You may notice that the pics of the described art are not actually shown in this screen capture. This is because not only do I want to respect the intellectual property rights of the artist, but also, because this is a family blog and I don't want to get a bunch of letters from concerned parents. In addition, I believe that you can imagine the quality of the art based on the verbal description. Okay, okay... if you are still curious about what it looked like, you can roughly reproduce it by tying a paintbrush to the underside of one of your pets (if you don't have a pet, use a friend's), dipping the brush/pet in paint, placing the pet over a canvas, and changing color every few minutes, depending on the age and activity level of your pet.

The last paragraph was created and read in vain. Could anything really prepare the reader for this?:

I've never heard use of the adjective "orginal," but I have to say that from a phonetic standpoint alone, I am very intrigued. When I read this, I often wonder the thought process through which the asking price was determined. (I would kill to have a transcript of that process.) All we know for sure is that, after pitching these pieces so hard in the description, in the end, the asking price was placed somewhere between the cost of the blank canvas itself and the cost of buying a glossy poster of those dogs-playing-poker-paintings at Walmart. And that doesn't even take into account what the artist would actually take for it, assuming the asking price was the opening gambit, as is the case with anything bought or sold on Craiglist. But then, what does that say about one's feminist credentials, if one were to bargain for a painting representing "how all women are bruised by societies [sic] actions" or one depicting the very "warm" feminine organ which bore us all? Oh lord, my head is spinning... Is this what they meant by a "thoughtful home?"

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