Friendly Advice

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fox News vs. Eugene

For the three or so people that may follow this blog, sorry for the delay in posts.  I've been accumulating pictures and am gearing up for new posts.

In the meantime, check out the fight between Fox News and Eugene (more accurately, The Register Guard).

I'm surprised it took Fox News this long to find Eugene, as it has long been known that we are on the front lines of The Culture War.

Original Story:

Fox News Story:

R-G Story That Followed:


  1. Blog is back?! Woohoo!

    I love how bummed the anchor looks when he hears that one councilman compared saying the pledge to reciting the Communist Manifesto. You know that the anchor was totally about to say something about the councilmembers being socialists, and now he can't.

  2. My fave is riding bicycles nude. Man, if he catches any of that on film, I'd love to post it.

    (And, I don't know if the blog is back, but judging from the dates, it appears to be a Summer/Spring Break phenomenon.)

  3. "The issue surfaced several weeks ago when Councilor Mike Clark suggested that the pledge be recited at the start of bimonthly council meetings. But Clark agreed to a compromise put forth by Councilor Alan Zelenka when it seemed clear that a council majority was not prepared to endorse reciting the pledge on a regular basis."

    I'm glad to see that our city council spends their meeting time so wisely. Maybe next they can spend 30-60 minutes deciding who should walk through the door first at their next meeting.

    Screw it. I'm moving to Portland. At least up there they debate important things, like whether garbage should be collected every week, or every other week:
