Friendly Advice

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Right Next to the Pork Rinds and Combos

7-11 is the equivalent of the umbilical cord for a huge portion of our society, myself included. It is one of today's great social levelers, a place where people of all walks of life mingle in order to get stuff they need, whether out of convenience, or because it's the only establishment open when they need said stuff.

I have been to a lot of cities and have been to a lot of 7-11's, but I've never seen an organic food section in a 7-11. Does your typical 7-11 customer demand organic vegetables? Apparently, in Eugene, they do. Buy two organic bananas and get a free order of nachos*?

*-Which come with free chili and nacho cheese that come in plastic bags and are heated in a plastic-clad machine with lots of gleaming pictures of foodstuffs that bear absolutely no resemblance to the substances which the machine actually produces.

P.S.--I titled this post carefully, as the organic bananas were actually rubbing shoulders with Pork Rinds and Combos. But... seriously? Right next to the pork rinds and combos??? Pork Rinds, are, well, deep fried pig skin and fat, and Combos are the cardiovascular equivalent of cyanide. For all of my misty-eyed nostalgia for the 80's, the fact is that Combos are a hollow barrel of ultra-processed simple carbohydrates and salt filled with some kind of cheesestuff in the color of juke-box lights. And have you read the nutritional information on these? It's amazing they don't just send a bag with each shuttle mission and call the whole food situation taken care of. Well, in all fairness, the pork rinds are lighter.


  1. The best part is that of the five organic items offered, three of them appear to be relatives of the garlic/onion family. Which is exactly what goes well with my 64-ounce Big Gulp when I'm at the 7-Eleven.

  2. Yeah, isn't the whole idea that it's convenience food? How convenient is an unbaked potato, anyway?

    P.S. Thanks for referring to me as being "ultra-hip." I'm sure that's the one and only time in my life that that term will be an adjective applied to my name. I'm going to frame this screen shot.
