Friendly Advice
Sunday, September 26, 2010
"I've always dependend on the kindness of strangers--uhm sorry that kindness got you arrested."


Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Battle for Your Soul on the Streets of Downtown Eugene
I am currently very far away from Eugene, so I will have to use my background in the fine arts to present a visual approximation of this daily sight:

Something that compounds this white-knuckle drive for near-constant protest is the unique relationship between frequent residents of the downtown Eugene and the Eugene Police Department. Occasionally, this unique relationship can ascend higher up into the ranks of municipal government, to the extent that a former mayor of Eugene referred to the city as "the anarchist capital of the United States." (Jim Torrey, 1999)

Just a couple of years before the WTO protests shown above, Eugene itself had its own smaller-scale experiment with civil disobedience when several old trees in downtown were slated to be cut down to the chagrin of local residents. Events unfolded something like this:
In a nation which largely identifies itself as Christian, delivering such a message in a public placed might be embraced--underscoring for passersby their own deeply held religious convictions. Such was not the case, however, in our city of Eugene. As the company trolled through the streets of Eugene, hoping to resonate with some of the downtown residents, they were followed by some of these residents, politely offering an alternative viewpoint on improvised protesting signs made out of cardboard.

Thursday, July 8, 2010
How Many Bong Hits Does it Take for YOU to Think You are Georgia O'Keefe?
The last paragraph was created and read in vain. Could anything really prepare the reader for this?:

I've never heard use of the adjective "orginal," but I have to say that from a phonetic standpoint alone, I am very intrigued. When I read this, I often wonder the thought process through which the asking price was determined. (I would kill to have a transcript of that process.) All we know for sure is that, after pitching these pieces so hard in the description, in the end, the asking price was placed somewhere between the cost of the blank canvas itself and the cost of buying a glossy poster of those dogs-playing-poker-paintings at Walmart. And that doesn't even take into account what the artist would actually take for it, assuming the asking price was the opening gambit, as is the case with anything bought or sold on Craiglist. But then, what does that say about one's feminist credentials, if one were to bargain for a painting representing "how all women are bruised by societies [sic] actions" or one depicting the very "warm" feminine organ which bore us all? Oh lord, my head is spinning... Is this what they meant by a "thoughtful home?"
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Holding Pattern
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Hippie House: The Things We do for (Peace,) Love (, and Understanding.)
Pasadena has its famed craftsman bungalows, Brooklyn has its brownstones, New Mexico has its adobe houses, Cape Cod has its Cape Cods, Aspen has its gingerbread-colored Victorians, and here, in Eugene, we have this:
Front View
Side View
Angle View
In these times when housing wonks (such as myself) are trying to figure out if we have hit the bottom of the housing market, a prospective buyer has an immense amount of very attractive options. All of a home's features and amenities are considered and called into question, such as: "Is there a bathroom remodel?" "Is there a kitchen remodel?," "Is there an en suite bathroom?," "Is there RV parking?," "Is there a pool?," "Is there forced air heating?," "Is there asbestos?," "Is there lead paint?," "Does it have a popcorn acoustical ceiling?", and so on and so forth.
I have done my share of painting, and this is indeed a masterpiece. Painting a house one color is enough of a pain in the *ss, but it must be WAY easier than painting a pattern such as this through the different planes of each individual piece of siding. In other words, this paint job, unlike the peeling paint on the south side of my house (on which I'm still struggling to find the semblance of the Blessed Virgin Mary), is no accident nor was it the result of neglect or slothfulness. This is as intentional as it is impressive.
In my limited life experience, I can think of the following reasons one may choose to paint their home in this manner:
1. The owner lost a bet.
2. The owner came home drunk, thought this would be a good idea, started painting, passed out, then woke up the next morning and said to themselves "What the hell, let's just keep on goin'!"
3. Rainbow Brite is a deep and dominant aesthetic influence on the owner.
4. The owner lives in Eugene.
Considering the times we are now in, and all of the calls for regulation to mitigate the unforeseen negative consequences of myriad forms of "irrational exuberance," I feel the need to suggest to some higher authority a few safeguards to avoid something like this from occurring in the future:
1. Mandate that licensed and bonded painters be older than nine years old.
2. Encourage owners to "imagine you're looking at the outside when you are actually on the inside!"
3. Slip a "owner shall not paint their house like the back drop of a 'Care Bears Very Special Easter Special Episode'" clause into neighborhood association bylaws.
4. Require a pee test for purchases from the paint department of the Home Depot.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Eugenians also really like bicycles. Most of my neighbors bike to work and the street next to mine is actually closed off to cars--it's a dedicated bike "lane" (city street). There is an extensive system of bike trails that will take you anywhere in town and people don't look at you funny if you show up to work all sweaty and with a big line of mud that runs up the back of your pants ("Dude, I should have known that tofu was bad!"). In fact, they kind of look at you funny if you don't.
So I was driving today and I bump into the most interesting and rarefied of vehicles. I had seen this around town but had taken no notice previously. I assumed it was some sort of food kiosk or something of that sort. Well, I was wrong. This is no less than a solely man-powered fully mobile RV (you've heard of the "horseless carriage," but have you heard of the "manful 1 br"?). If Mr. Winnebago and Ms. Recumbent Bicycle had offspring, it very well may resemble this. I would apologize for the substandard quality of these photos, but since it's now illegal to use your phone while driving, I'll just say you are lucky to be seeing this at all, if you haven't already.
They say the RV industry has crashed, but for the industry of this man, who got a remarkable amount of life out of aluminum tape and reflectors, he is able to cruise in style.

Yippie!!! Have fun falling on your *ss! Yippie!!!
So, last winter we actually had a lot of snow here in Oregon. So for a place that basically gets no snow that sticks, I don't mean a little snow, what I mean is a lot of snow. Like, this much snow:
Car-Shaped Snow Sculpture
So, when it does snow, we respond appropriately, being the West Coasters that we are: we act really stupid. We crash our cars into things by applying the accelerator or brakes at less-than-ideal times, we fall on our *sses on sidewalks while wearing flip-flops, we crash our bicycles, our hopes for imminent world peace are rekindled, etc. Here's some photographic evidence of at least one of these things:
Evidence: (Note: 1. California plates. 2. This is an all-wheel drive vehicle. 3. The road is not sloped. [Though the camera angle is, perhaps b/c I was in flip-flops.])

We also respond by writing signs like this: (Apparently the person in charge of public safely in this store is not from the Bronx, or maybe he/she just gets all giddy when they imagine lawsuits arising from fractured tail bones.)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Play Quarter Notes, get US dollars, dinner, beer, and free puppet show
We are rich, we are lucky, we are residents of Eugene, who see stuff like this all the time--so much so, that it doesn't strike us as odd when it happens.
Note: I couldn't bring myself to ruin the beauty of this moment or to jeopardize the feeling of enchanted gratitude emanating from the musicians to the puppet operator by obnoxiously snapping a picture of high quality. For this reason, the details in the photo are blurry, so I have labeled them so you can see them clearly. I hope you enjoy this as much as the musicians most certainly did. It goes without saying that if we all had a little furry Kermit-esque muse to inspire us in our daily lives, the world would be a better place, for certain.

Dub-ya's Cameo at the Symphony

2. The conductor appears and, rather than acknowledging the orchestra for a few moments of bows (as is typical), instead races toward podium and throws a cue to the percussion section while applause is still loud.
3. A snare drum roll is heard, louder than the crowd's applause.
4. The crowd silences.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Right Next to the Pork Rinds and Combos

7-11 is the equivalent of the umbilical cord for a huge portion of our society, myself included. It is one of today's great social levelers, a place where people of all walks of life mingle in order to get stuff they need, whether out of convenience, or because it's the only establishment open when they need said stuff.
I have been to a lot of cities and have been to a lot of 7-11's, but I've never seen an organic food section in a 7-11. Does your typical 7-11 customer demand organic vegetables? Apparently, in Eugene, they do. Buy two organic bananas and get a free order of nachos*?
*-Which come with free chili and nacho cheese that come in plastic bags and are heated in a plastic-clad machine with lots of gleaming pictures of foodstuffs that bear absolutely no resemblance to the substances which the machine actually produces.
P.S.--I titled this post carefully, as the organic bananas were actually rubbing shoulders with Pork Rinds and Combos. But... seriously? Right next to the pork rinds and combos??? Pork Rinds, are, well, deep fried pig skin and fat, and Combos are the cardiovascular equivalent of cyanide. For all of my misty-eyed nostalgia for the 80's, the fact is that Combos are a hollow barrel of ultra-processed simple carbohydrates and salt filled with some kind of cheesestuff in the color of juke-box lights. And have you read the nutritional information on these? It's amazing they don't just send a bag with each shuttle mission and call the whole food situation taken care of. Well, in all fairness, the pork rinds are lighter.
Welcome to the Blog
In fact, I think this thought to myself at least once a month. Being a transplant from other parts of the country, I very frequently marvel for what passes as commonplace in this city. But, the thing is, Jason is from Eugene, born and bred. So, this idea of "Only in Eugene" is not unique, but universal to its residents and beyond, somewhat like the use of speech in children across all cultures. We all know it. Thus, if we have stories to tell, they will resonate with us all.
I have to say that a lot of the posts will be related to music, as that is what a lot of the people that I know do for a living. It is my hope, however, that this will appeal to a broad audience.